Refund Policy
It is our goal to make sure that you are 100% satisfied with the product you ordered. All products returned within 30 days of purchase will be applicable to a full refund, minus shipping.
If you are dissatisfied with the product ordered, we will refund the product ordered excluding the shipping charge. It will be the responsibility of the customer to return the product to Pure Infinity Botanicals to receive a refund/exchange on the product ordered. If the customer has consumed more than half of the product before deciding to contact us to process a refund/exchange, a refund/exchange will not be processed. This is to ensure the integrity of return requests and allow us to continue processing any future requests for you and other customers.
All products damaged upon arrival, tampered with, or otherwise at the fault of Pure Infinity Botanicals or the shipping company will be fully refunded once the product is returned to Pure Infinity Botanicals. All shipping costs for the return will be the responsibility of Pure Infinity Botanicals. Once the product is received you will be contacted within 14 days of receiving for a product exchange or refund. *If your order exceeds $200 and is eligible for free shipping, we will send it via the expedited method if it is a perishable product ordered. If it is damaged, we will work accordingly to offer you a refund/exchange.
If there are items missing from your order upon arrival, contact us at or call (772) 485-4775. We will compare the shipped weight to the actual weight of the items you ordered to qualify it for a refund or resend of the products ordered. If we find there are products missing based on weight, then we will resend the products or offer a refund.
All payments are processed through Square. Please allow 5-10 days for refunds to arrive in your account. If you have not received funds after 10 days of grace, email us at for further instructions.